
How to Post 280-Character Tweets on Twitter on Android

Recently, Twitter announced that information technology was testing the capabilities of posting tweets with an increased limit of 280 characters. Unfortunately, the feature was just available to a very express number of users to try out. That being said, nosotros had previously covered a method on how to post tweets with 280 characters on PC. While the method worked fine, information technology was still a very tedious task and was only limited to PC. Luckily now, there is a method to postal service tweets up to 280 characters on Android too. Wouldn't you beloved to know how? Well then, read on, as we show y'all how to mail 280 character tweets on Twitter on your Android device:

Post 280-Graphic symbol Tweets in Android Twitter App

Note : The following method requires root access and Xposed Framework to exist installed. If you lot don't have it installed already, read our guide here. Also, this method only works on the official Twitter app, with the links provided below. Information technology will not work on any other third-party Twitter client such as TweetCaster or Falcon.

  • To begin with, uninstall whatsoever existing installations of the Twitter app. Next, download and install the Twitter APK file from the links given beneath. Choose the version co-ordinate to your liking.

Twitter seven.17.0 (Download)
Twitter 7.18.0-beta.685 (Download)
Twitter 7.xix.0-alpha.612 (Download)

Install Twitter

  • Side by side up, download and install the Tweeks Xposed Module from hither.

Install Tweeks

  • After installing the module, you'll exist required to enable it from using the Xposed Installer. Open up the Xposed Installer app, and tap on the 3-dot hamburger menu push. Tap on "Modules" and enable the checkbox adjacent to "Tweeks". Subsequently enabling the module, you'll exist required to reboot the device.

Enable Tweeks

  • Afterwards rebooting the device, open up up the Tweeks app. Enable the toggle next to "Enable 280 characters limit".

Enable 280 characters limit

  • Now, log into your Twitter app. When you endeavor posting a tweet, y'all'll observe a changed counter for the character limit. Instead of a numerical counter, yous'll see a circular counter. Once you've finished writing your tweet, but tap on the "Tweet" button to mail information technology.

Writing a 280 character tweet

  • And that'south it. Your 280 character tweet should now be posted. You lot can encounter the tweet that I posted hither.

Tweets Posteddd

Encounter Too: How to Download GIFs from Twitter On Your Phone

Tweet Your Center Out With 280 Characters on Twitter on Android

Information technology is nice to see Twitter listening to its users and bring over some much-awaited changes to its functionality. While the official update including this characteristic might still exist a couple of weeks away, luckily everyone that has root access and has Xposed Framework installed can try it out right away. I know that I'll certainly be using it on my device. But what most yous? Let u.s.a. know your thoughts and share with us your experiences with the higher up-described method in the comments below.


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